Dr. Janelle Wills
Dr. Janelle Wills is a highly experienced educator who has been instrumental in driving positive change in Australian education at a school, system and sector level. She has held a range of leadership positions including serving as the Director of Teaching and Learning for Independent Schools Queensland. During this time, she worked closely with Dr Lyn Sharratt to implement the evidence-proven 14 parameters as part of a major initiative for a diverse range of independent schools. Currently, she is a consultant working nationally and internationally to support schools in their school improvement journey. Her expertise includes teacher development, the work of collaborative teams, formative assessment and leadership. Janelle is also proud to be a certified consultant for the Clarity Learning Suite based on Lyn Sharratt's text "CLARITY" (Corwin, 2019).
As an author, Janelle has contributed to numerous publications and books including ‘Thinking Protocols for Learning,’ ‘Transformative Collaboration: Five Commitments for Leading a PLC,’ ‘A Handbook for High Reliability Schools," and "Collaborative Teams that Transform Schools.’ Her latest publication focuses on school-wide processes to support collaborative teams in the development of a ‘Learning-Ready Curriculum’ – ready for teachers to teach it and for students to learn it.
With a PhD that delved into self-efficacy and reading development, Dr. Wills has significantly contributed to various realms of education, including special education, gifted education, assessment, and feedback. Her research has shaped and enriched these areas, shedding light on effective teaching practices and strategies.
A firm believer in the profession of teaching, Janelle passionately advocates for educators to engage with research through action research and reflective practice. Her commitment to continuous learning keeps her at the forefront of educational innovation, ensuring that her work remains dynamic and informed.
Janelle's Posts
Ingen lærer etterlatt: Veien videre for å dempe lærermangelkrisen
Det har blitt kritisk å ta tak i problemet med australsk lærermangel. Den australske regjeringen har erklært lærermangelen som en "enestående" utfordring som anslår en mangel på mer enn 4000 videregående lærere innen 2025 (Welch, 2022). Mangler merkes imidlertid over hele linja, spesielt i skoler på landsbygda og avsidesliggende skoler, noe som førte til en målrettet nasjonal kampanje for å heve statusen og verdsette læreryrkets rolle.