Lyn Sharratt 0221 Square

Dr. Lyn Sharratt

OISE/UofT; Sharratt Educational Group Inc., Principal

Dr. Lyn Sharratt is a highly accomplished practitioner, researcher, author, and presenter. She coordinates the doctoral internship program in Leadership, Higher and Adult Education department at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada. Lyn has worked in four Ontario school districts as school superintendent, superintendent of curriculum and instruction, administrator, curriculum leader and K-10 and Special Education teacher. Lyn has taught all elementary grades and secondary-aged students in inner-city and rural settings. She has analyzed and commented on public policy for a provincial trustee organization, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association; has taught pre-service education at York University, Masters’ and Doctoral students at University of Toronto and Nipissing University; and led in-service Professional Development in a provincial teachers’ union head office.

Lyn Sharratt is lead author of two texts with Michael Fullan – Realisering: Imperativet for endring for å øke distriktsomfattende reformer (Corwin, 2009), and Å sette ANSIKT på dataene: Hva gode ledere gjør! (Corwin, 2012, published in English, Spanish and Arabic. Lyn is also lead author of Good to Great to Innovate: Recalculating the Route K-12, (Corwin, 2015) med Gale Harild, og av Lede samarbeidslæring: Styrke fortreffelighet (Corwin, 2016) with Beate Planche. Lyn is sole author of her fifth book KLARHET: Det som betyr MEST i læring, undervisning og ledelse (Corwin Press, 2019) that reflects her work across the globe from 2009-2019. The ‘CLARITY Learning Suite’ is her ‘pride and joy’!! Lyn is proud of the work of her collaborators who have made this #1 best-seller come alive as an outstanding resource for any educator – world-wide!

Lyn consults with states, school districts and systems world-wide, implementing the learning presented in her texts to increase the capacity of these organizations to improve all students’ achievement. Lyn and her clients as well as independent researchers have presented the successes of this work in peer-reviewed journal articles and in person at international education conferences.

Lyn's Posts

Ingen lærer etterlatt: Veien videre for å dempe lærermangelkrisen

september 14, 2024

Det har blitt kritisk å ta tak i problemet med australsk lærermangel. Den australske regjeringen har erklært lærermangelen som en "enestående" utfordring som anslår en mangel på mer enn 4000 videregående lærere innen 2025 (Welch, 2022). Mangler merkes imidlertid over hele linja, spesielt i skoler på landsbygda og avsidesliggende skoler, noe som førte til en målrettet nasjonal kampanje for å heve statusen og verdsette læreryrkets rolle.

desember 5, 2021

september 15, 2021