SCU Masters Credit Registration

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Successful completion of all Modules and Sessions of the CLARITY Learning Suite together with the completion of a PASS Grade 2,000 word Reflective Summary essay will provide you with the opportunity to apply for Advanced Standing in EDUC6012 Evaluation for Improved Teaching & Learning in the Southern Cross University Faculty of Education. This constitutes a 1 unit credit, of 8 in total (12% of the course) towards the Master of Education.


The granting of the Advanced Standing is subject to SCU receiving your certificate from CLSG confirming your completion of the CLS and your completion of a PASS Grade 2,000 word Reflective Summary essay.


This Reflective Analysis task is compiled from the overall challenges and innovation to your thinking about teaching and learning in response to your engagement in the Clarity Learning Suite.

This task is directly relevant to demonstrating you have met the CLS Advanced Standing learning intentions through your work in the relevant education context. The aim is to put your CLS learning into practice for your education setting.

Task Description and Instructions

As part of your learning, you are to keep a Reflective Journal to record your experiences and learning journey. Your Reflective Journal should focus on your reflections in response to the following questions for each learning session and cumulatively each of the 12 modules.

  • What key messages are you taking away from this CLS module?
  • How did the content and potential applications to practice challenge your thinking?
  • How did you, or could you, apply the learning to your practical day-to-day work?

The Reflective Journal is a personal reflective tool which you will then use to write your 2000-word Reflective Analysis of your CLS Professional Learning as relevant to daily practice in the education setting where you work.

The Reflective Journal is not submitted as part of the 2000-word Assessment 1 but is a formative tool to build towards your Reflective Analysis.

Reflective Analysis

To what extent are the CLS strategies effective in addressing identified student learning and staff needs in your education setting? Consider the following questions to frame your Reflective Analysis.

  • What is the role of the principal/director in leading the Professional Learning Community (PLC)
  • Does the principal/director evidence engagement in their own professional learning?
  • What is the way forward if feedback and data say the PLC and the current PL is already efficacious?
  • What is the way forward if feedback and data say the PLC and the current PL is not efficacious?
  • Suggest alternative approaches and strategies that may be more effective as relevant.

CLS SCU Advanced Standing Task: Reflective Analysis Assessment Rubric

Marking Criterion 1 (20%)Identification and analysis of current professional learning (PL) strategies in identification of student learning and staff needs
High Distinction+100% Excellent identification and thorough analysis of current PL strategies with highly sophisticated use of evidence and data to suggest alternatives and evaluate student learning and staff needs
High Distinction(85–99%) High level identification and thorough analysis of current PL strategies with quality use of evidence and data to suggest alternatives and evaluate student learning and staff needs
Distinction(75–84%) Strong identification and thorough analysis of current PL strategies with sophisticated use of evidence and data to suggest alternatives and evaluate student learning and staff needs
Credit(65¬74%) Good identification and thorough analysis of current PL strategies with some use of evidence and data to suggest alternatives and or evaluate student learning and staff needs
Pass(50–64%) Some identification and basic analysis of current PL strategies with some use of evidence and or data to suggest alternatives however with little evaluation of student learning and staff needs
Marginal Fail(35-49%) Limited identification and basic analysis of current PL strategies with little use of evidence or data to suggest alternatives and with limited evaluation of student learning and staff needs
Fail(1-34%) Very limited identification and little analysis of current PL strategies with no use of evidence or data to suggest alternatives and with no or unclear evaluation of student learning and staff needs
(0%)Not Addressed No attempt at this criterion


Criterion 2 (20%)Critical engagement with readings and vodcasts about efficacious PL
High Distinction+100% Outstanding level of critical engagement and in-depth and specific argument with reference to readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
High Distinction(85–99%) Very high level of critical engagement and in-depth and specific argument with reference to readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
Distinction(75–84%) Critical engagement and in-depth argument with reference to readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
Credit(65¬74%) Some critical engagement and good understanding with reference to readings, modules and sessions in the CLS.
Pass(50–64%) Engages with and shows a basic understanding of core ideas with reference to readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
Marginal Fail(35-49%) Fails to engage with and shows poor understanding of readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
Fail(1-34%) Limited evidence of engagement with and or understanding of readings, modules and sessions in CLS.
(0%)Not Addressed No attempt at this criterion


Criterion 3 (30%)Creativity in problem-solving in the application and evaluation of contextually appropriate professional learning strategies
High Distinction+100% Excellent problem-solving, innovative and creative. Exceptional ability to apply and evaluate responses consistently and efficaciously in local context.
High Distinction(85–99%) Problem-solving is highly original and creative. Exceptional ability to apply and evaluate responses in local context through evaluation
Distinction(75–84%) Problem-solving is original and creative. Very good application and evaluation of responses in local context with strong evaluation
Credit(65¬74%) Problem-solving demonstrates some originality and creativity. Good application and evaluation of responses in local context with strong evaluation
Pass(50–64%) Satisfactory approach to problem-solving but lacks creativity application of responses in local context with basic evaluation
Marginal Fail(35-49%) Limited problem-solving with little creativity in application of responses to local context with little evaluation
Fail(1-34%) Unsatisfactory approach to problem-solving and/or lacks creativity in application of responses in local context with limited evaluation
(0%)Not Addressed No attempt at this criterion


Criterion 4 (20%)Presentation in Reflective Analysis genre; Quality of written expression
High Distinction+100% Exceptional presentation in reflective writing genre. Writing and presentation articulate and without errors in syntax or grammar.
High Distinction(85–99%) Excellent presentation in reflective writing genre. Writing and presentation of very high quality. No syntax or grammar errors.
Distinction(75–84%) Very good presentation. Layout is very well matched to reflective writing genre. Well-developed written expression. No or few syntax and/or grammar errors.
Credit(65¬74%) Good presentation. Layout is matched to reflective writing genre. Good written expression. Few syntax and/or grammar errors
Pass(50–64%) Satisfactory presentation. Layout is matched to reflective writing genre. Satisfactory written expression. Some syntax and/or grammar errors
Marginal Fail(35-49%) Poor presentation. Layout is not appropriate to the genre. Inadequate written expression. Ongoing syntax and grammar errors obscure meaning
Fail(1-34%) Limited consideration of presentation. Inappropriate layer for genre. Poor written expression with ongoing syntax and grammar errors obscure meaning
(0%)Not Addressed No attempt at this criterion


Criterion 5 (10%)Appropriate Referencing and in text citation in APA7 Style
High Distinction+100% Consistently uses references appropriately to develop and support points. Citations always in appropriate style with frequent and wide citation to self-sourced literature base.
High Distinction(85–99%) Consistently uses references to develop and support points. Citations always follow required style. Frequent and wide citation to a wide literature base with evidence of self-sourced references.
Distinction(75–84%) Uses references to develop and support points. Great majority of citations follow the required style. Appropriate and frequent citation to a wide and relevant literature base.
Credit(65¬74%) Most citations follow the required style. Frequent citation to appropriate literature base.
Pass(50–64%) Uses some references to develop and support points. Some citations follow the required style. Basic number of citations to adequate literature base
Marginal Fail(35-49%) Very few references to develop and support points. Citations, if any, do not follow the required style.
Fail(1-34%) Inadequate referencing and poor written expression. APA7 style not used.
(0%)Not Addressed No attempt at this criterion


Essays and all queries regarding the credit process should be forwarded to

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Are you thinking about studying a Master of Education online? At SCU, we’re cultivating the leaders of tomorrow, today, right in our very own backyard. We aim to provide an exceptional education experience through our unique learning model and innovative online platform. We’re committed to lifelong learning and providing equal access to education for everyone, regardless of background or location. As one of the top universities in the world at only 25 years young, we’re pioneers in online education and have been doing so since 2015. We’re a rising, dynamic university that is proud to be a game changer and leader in education. That’s the SCU Online difference and why you should study a Master of Education online with us.

Read more about the SCU Master of Education here.

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